Dragon Scale

The fun thing about this bracelet is, that you can make it as wide as you want !

The Dragon Scale

The Things You Will Need:

-A rainbow loom

-A hook

-Bands(in as many colours as you want)

-And a pack of c-clips (This bracelet uses up lots of c-clips, so make sure you definetly have enough)

What you need

How to make the Bracelet:

To start your bracelet, get your loom and remove two of the bars, so that there is only one left. Hold your loom horizontally. Then take a band and place it on the first and second pins from the left in a figure eight. Place the next band on the third and fourth pins also in a figure eight. If you want, you can stop placing bands now, to create a thin bracelet . But if you want a thicker bracelet, carry on placing bands like this. Once you have put all the bands down the way you want them, add a band on the second and third pegs normaly. Then go to the next two pegs do not have a band on them and place one on. Repeat this until you are happy with the length. Then take your hook and lift the bottom layer over the other bands on top do this until you only have one layer on the bar. Then add a band on the first and second pins again. Do that on all the other pins that do not have a band on them. Remember when you are placing these layers, that you can switch colours. After you have placed all of the bands, lift the bottom lair over the top. Repeat this process until the bracelet is as long as you want.

Loom Setup

How to finish the bracelet:

To finish the bracelet, take your hook and bring the band/s on the peg furthest to the left onto the peg next to it. Then move to the peg next to that one and bring that band to the peg next to it. Repeat this until each peg that has bands on it, has two lots of bands. If you have got an odd number of bands, remember that you will probably have three bands on one of your pegs. Then take some c-clips and hook each peg seperatly. Remove the bands from the pegs (make sure that they are all hooked with c-clips). Then you can hook the other ends of the bracelet together with the other ends. You should now have a finished dragon scale bracelet!

We hope you had fun looming!

The Dragon Scale